Tuesday, June 9, 2009

tea and cookies with claire o'reilly

i spent the day with claire today. i really enjoy my claire days. claire's the sort of person you can just sit down with and talk about anything and never get bored. our conversations are always very intense and mentally stimulating. conversations with claire always seem to uncover hidden epiphanies and creative insight.

one of my epiphanies today was just that. one of the reasons i feel like i'm in such a rut is because i don't spend enough time with mentally stimulating people. i feel like my creativity and inspiration have run dry, and it's been that way for a while. i need to have more insightful discussions like the ones we had today in order to spark my creativity back up and in order to continue mental growth.

that's definitely one of the reasons i'm still friends with brett. brett has two sides to him, being a gemini and all. one side of him is a superficial, frat boy, party animal, womanizer, asshole, BMOC. that's the side most people see. but a few of the lucky ones get to see the other side of him, the creative, insightful, philosophical side. he's an incredibly deep thinker and like claire, having conversations with him really makes you think outside the box. that is definitely the main reason why i still talk to him after all the crap he's put me through. we are like-minded and the like-minded must stick together.

although i don't get to spend a lot of time with any of them, i seem to attract these types. i have a handful of friends and acquaintances that when we do spend time together, we usually end up getting into deep philosophical conversations. afterwards, i always feel refreshed and reinspired. i always feel ready to take on a new project or finish one i've already started.

what i need to do is to make a point of spending more time with these kinds of people while i still have the chance.

sorry this one's a little shorter. that's all i really have to report. goodnight, world.

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